Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur

When is Yom Kippur 2022?

Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur is the holiest day in the Jewish calendar, which recognized as the Day of Atonement. It falls on the tenth day of the Tishrei, a Jewish month. Many Jews in the United States believe in fasting and praying days. Its subject is atonement and repentance.

In ancient times, Yom Kippur was commemorated by Kohen Gadol in a temple in Jerusalem. A ritual was performed on this day to purify the temple from any accidental ritual impurities that occurred in the previous year.

According to Jewish tradition, Yom Kippur originated in the time of Moses when the Israelites migrated from Egypt. When Moses reached Mount Sinai, God gave the Ten Commandments to them. When Moses came from the mountain, he found that the people were praying a golden calf. Moses angrily destroyed the tablets, but the people atoned for their wrongdoing, so God pardoned them.

How do people celebrate Yom Kippur?

Many Jewish Americans consider that God seals their fortune for the following year on Yom Kippur. This holiday includes activities such as praying and fasting. It is believed that those who apologize for their sins will granted a happy New Year. Many Jewish spend their time in the synagogue at this point of the year.

The fast lasts for 25 hours and starts in the evening before Yom Kippur. It ends after the night on Yom Kippur. Throughout time, according to Leviticus 23:32, we fast from eating, drinking, getting involved in marital relationships, applying lotion, washing clothes, and wearing leather shoes. Similar to Shabbat, there is no task to be done, and women light holiday candles before the commencement of the holy day. Some restrictions may be lifted if there is a threat to health or life. Many Jewish Americans perform Havdalah ceremonies at evening services and then break the fast. The holiday ends on a happy note, and many Jewish people attend the festivities after the meal.

Jewish leaders give lectures on Yom Kippur in Jewish community centers. Some cities in states such as New York have an interactive start-up service. Yom Kippur also includes a remembrance service, called Yizkor, during which people mention the names of the dead, their lives, admiring them through memory. Some Jews may take a day off from work or organize time during this time of the year to follow the belief that no work is allowed on Yom Kippur.

Is Yom Kippur a Federal Holiday in the US?

Yom Kippur is not a national public holiday. But, many Jewish schools, organizations, and businesses may remain closed on this day, and the places around the synagogues may be bustling.

It is an elective holiday for state government employees in Texas. The Chief Justice of any judicial circuit in Florida may designate Yom Kippur as a legal holiday for court employees within the state's judicial circuit. Some states like North Carolina, try to support their government employee's request of holiday from work for specific religious holiday observances, such as Yom Kippur.

Yom Kippur Observances

Year Date Day Holiday
2025 12 Oct Sun Yom Kippur
2024 12 Oct Sat Yom Kippur
2023 25 Sep Mon Yom Kippur
2022 4 Oct Tue Yom Kippur
2021 16 Sep Thu Yom Kippur
2020 28 Sep Mon Yom Kippur
2019 9 Oct Wed Yom Kippur

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Yom Kippur Facts



October 4, 2022

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This Year Sunday, 12 Oct, 2025
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